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Friday, June 24, 2005
Flashes from the past
“I had the lonely child’s habit of making up stories and holding conversations with imaginary persons” – George Orwell – I found this quote accidentally, while checking out someone’s profile and blog but it triggered a lot of memories from my childhood.

Well, I have to admit I didn’t know it was a habit, but I’m sure glad I am not alone! I was never a lonely child if that means not being around other children that much, but I was very lonely in the hours I spent home alone while my parents were at work and I was really lonely during the two hours nap (kindergarten) when I really couldn’t sleep. So I was talking to all these made up characters, but I never believed they were real. I was just creating someone to talk to, although I was just talking to myself out loud, mostly because even as a child I had problems shutting up for more than five minutes.

Later, I started writing. I tried poetry but realized almost instantly that it really wasn’t my cup of tea (read “I wasn’t that good” here) and that I was more attracted to novels and short stories. I started a lot of novels but only finished one (and when that was finished I decided it wasn’t good enough). What I finished were essays and sketches to be used later. But everything I ever wrote had been read by a few persons. Friends and class mates mostly, but I did get used to a certain audience for what I was saying. I always needed people to tell me what they thought of my “works” as I always felt I wasn’t writing just to please myself (this might explain the great pleasure comments give me).

Most of the feedback I had was encouraging. But if someone said what I had written was no good, I’d be very sad. Especially if that person were someone important to me. What seems so strange to me is that I never gave anything of what I wrote to my mom. I don’t know why, maybe because I was so convinced she had no time for that and would consider it crap. I was probably wrong.

My best period as a writer was in high-school (the first three years). I still remember all the nights I spent in my little “office” (my step father – may he rest in peace – transformed one of the rooms in a so called office – I had my desk and my books there, and of course a lot of posters and pictures and it was the Kayla work area) reading and writing and having a huge debate going on in my mind (Was I a genius or not?) and the radio playing…I miss those nights and the self imposed solitude I enjoyed so much. Actually these were the only times I didn’t need to talk – I was creating characters that were talking to each other.

During high-school, I always carried the book I was reading everywhere. Any train ride, any less important class, any time spent alone was a good time to read (don’t get me wrong, I did spend enormous amounts of time watching TV and with my friends, I wasn’t always reading). Back then I was a walking enigma – being one of the best students and having so much fun. I guess I owe that to my beloved brain that always required very little time to learn. I still have a book with me, most of the times, not always, but I don’t use all the time I could be using to read it. And my brain is half-dead at the moment because it hasn’t been used that much.

As I stopped writing, the only remotely resembling experience is composing posts for the blog. A very different experience, fulfilling in its own way, but I do miss my novels and my characters so much! It was the world I created and controlled, my very own playground where my rules always applied. Maybe I’ll get back to writing one day!
posted by Alina @ 10:59 AM  
  • At 6/24/2005 4:05 PM, Blogger Mohamed said…

    I don't get it, so why did you stop writing?!

  • At 6/24/2005 4:09 PM, Blogger Alina said…

    I don't get it myself...Too little time, to little interest! I had just gotten into the University, a journalist wannabe, and was writing a lot for school, so all of my writings were..journalistic and I was pretty good...Then I got hired and my first job was pretty close to slavery :)). Now I'm trying, bit by bit, to go back to writing.

  • At 6/24/2005 10:23 PM, Blogger LouLou said…


    I hope you'll get over your writer's block soon. A friend of mine who is also an aspiring novelist gets over writers block by going on what she calls 'a story binge'. She reads & goes to lots of movies & plays - anything that tells a story. That helps she says. I think she's a brilliant writer. All she lacks is self-confidence.
    I don't think you lack self-confidence though so get a move on! We all want you to get rich & famous quickly so we can go on tabloids & talkshows & say I knew her when!

  • At 6/25/2005 12:48 PM, Blogger doshar said…

    i would love to read something you wrote.

    i tried thinking of a plot for a story last night, and it would begin peacefully and then it would just go (almost without my choice) to a morbid or horror twist to the extent that it freaked me out!!!

    so i decided to go to sleep instead so as not to have nightmares!1

    maybe it is all the atephen king i read? i don't know why my imagination goes that way

    V.I. : i have finally finished your hardly finished post!!!
    read it and give me your feed back about the story. tell me how much of it agrees with what you think.

  • At 6/27/2005 9:39 AM, Blogger Alina said…

    Thank you. LouLou, for the vote of confidence! If I get rich and famous I'll call you all to a talk show, no need to wait until others discover u knwe me! :))
    Doshar, if I start to write again, maybe it'll be so good that people will fight over who to translate my works in every language spoken on this planet! :))
    Jade, if the pen won't, the keyboard will! Thanx for stopping by and hope to see you here again!
    Last but not least, I hope you all had a great weekend! I know I did!

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Name: Alina
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