In his nice little book, Maktub, Paulo Coelho says not talking to strangers prevents you from meeting interesting people. The piece of advice he forgot to give us was: kids, don’t try this at home, in the bus, on the street, wherever!!! You know why? Because people who are really interested in your rollerblading activity might ask you if you ever did “it” while rollerblading or with your rollerblades on! So, if strange people try to talk to you, just move on!
Of, course I was really mad after this bold question! And I started this entire conversation with the guys who were responsible! One of them tried to speak for the guy who had actually asked me and I was even angrier: what? He needed a lawyer? So the guilty asshole said: “I am a gipsy, you know, not enough education to face you”. And my reply made me very proud: “So now you’re gonna hide behind a stereotype to justify your behavior?” And then I left!
I don’t know why I got so mad…Maybe because no one that I didn’t know or who wasn’t introduced to me by someone who I already knew ever said anything interesting. Even pick up lines are so lame these days! My favorite is “Do you have a watch?” which is of course used when it’s pretty damn obvious that I don’t have one! |