Sometimes you would like to find a way to express everything you feel trapped inside. Good, bad, true, false, just find some method to transform it all into words. And they you do not find the right topic, the right person to say it to or simply the words you need seem not to have been invented yet. And you keep it all inside, restless, hoping for some exit sign to appear at some point on the way. Feels like being trapped in a labyrinth. You feel what you long for a few walls further. But getting there is tricky and no matter how much you run around trusting one gut feeling or another, you still end up getting lost in the center of the puzzle. Or like trying to get away from something that appears to be glued to you. You try to wash it off (with real water or tears), to work it off or make it disappear by forgetting about it. But its memory does not get wiped so easily. And when you finally tire of pretending you forgot, you remember being stuck to something.
Wow, 3anjad kteer 7elo w mu2ther hal post
Means : really very nice and impressive post :D