All fears of a terrorist attack dropped A single-engine plane carrying the Yankees pitcher Cory Lidle smashed into a 42-story building on the Upper East Side yesterday, killing Mr. Lidle and his flight instructor. The plane, owned by Mr. Lidle, was a Cirrus SR20, a four-seat propeller plane that is popular for its performance and sleek looks. It has a fixed landing gear reminiscent of a st unt plane. With two sets of controls, officials said, either Mr. Lidle or his instructor could have been flying it. Mr. Lidle, 34, a pilot for less than a year who was traded to the Yankees in the summer, had talked enthusiastically about flying to his home in California this week. Full story and photos originally published in NY Times. We can all just breathe now, parting with all the thoughts of a new terrorist attack. I am now pretty sure no air borne object will ever crash into an American building without yielding thoughts of threat and terror in everyone’s mind. Tags: Plane Crash, New York, Manhattan, Cory Lidle
Iata ca Engleza ta poate fi impecabila! Si ce daca este vorba de 'copy & paste'!?!... Bravo!