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Saturday, July 29, 2006
The New Job
It’s official since yesterday. On the 10th of August I am leaving from my current company and then, on the 14th joining a different one. I will start as a technical writer and if all goes well, continue with PR and marketing, both directions using a lot more of what I have learned in FJSC.

This was not an easy decision. Actually, it was the hardest job related decision I’ve ever had to make. Because I have great colleagues and friends here, because I’ve never have had major issues to deal with and other such painful reasons. Yes, the new job is a quite interesting opportunity and I will no longer work in shifts. Besides, they will grant me the flexibility I need to get to school once in a while.

I am quite enthusiastic about the new company and job, however, I cannot help feeling sad for leaving! Vali, my boss, is already working on making me feel bad. He has given me one of the toys on his desk, a tiny cello singing donkey. He said I should see it every day and feel bad about leaving :).

It will be hard to say goodbye, but I need to move on and follow my own path. Also, I am quite sure that they will remain my friends afterwards. And we will keep seeing each other and keep having loads of fun.

Other than that, I am enjoying my car each day. And I am going to Constanta today with K and Cris, who needs a ride to there. It actually is a quite big day for me and K tomorrow, it’s our one year anniversary and we are going to spend it at the seaside!


Tags: Alina, Career, Love
posted by Alina @ 12:13 PM  
  • At 7/29/2006 2:44 PM, Blogger S A J Shirazi said…

    Best of luck Alina.

  • At 7/29/2006 6:56 PM, Blogger rama said…

    Hi, glad to have discovered your blog, I look forward to going through your archive. Invite you to come by my blog too! Best, rama

  • At 7/29/2006 9:05 PM, Blogger Alina said…

    Shi, thanks so much!

    Rama, thanks for the visit, will do my best to return it as soon as possible. :)

  • At 7/30/2006 6:33 AM, Blogger Deb Sistrunk Nelson said…

    I am so happy for you, Alina! I know you will do well as your pursue your new adventure.

    I am not surprised that your current boss is going to miss you. He knows a talented employee when he sees one!

  • At 7/30/2006 7:59 AM, Blogger rama said…

    Hi Alina, thanks for visiting Cuckoos Call. I have a close friend in Bucharest, and I hope its only a question of time before I visit! All the best, rama

  • At 7/30/2006 7:21 PM, Blogger Alina said…

    DCS, thanks so much! You are a bit to kind to me! :)

    Hey, Rama, you're welcome! Wow, it would be nice to meet a fellow blogger in person :)

  • At 7/30/2006 10:18 PM, Blogger Safiya Outlines said…

    All the best for your new job and congratulations on you and K's anniversary.

  • At 7/31/2006 2:40 PM, Blogger Sim said…

    It will all be fine in the end, you'll see. It was hard for me to go also, and sometimes I'm sorry for it and I wish I could go back. But there is a good side: you will still see the people at work and you will have free weekends to go and see K. Congrats by the way!

    Hope I can see you soon, and I hope you had a great time at the seaside.

    P.D.: You missed an "w" in the link to the BD site ;)

  • At 7/31/2006 7:41 PM, Blogger Alina said…

    Safiya, thanks so much.

    Sim, I know it is hard, but I am now sure I did the right thing, we'll talk more on this when you come here.

    As for the "w" thinks, corrected it! :)

  • At 8/01/2006 1:18 AM, Blogger Alina said…

    Kayo, thanks for the visit and your wishes! Hope you enjoy yourself in the blogosphere!

  • At 8/01/2006 3:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    As they say, only thing constant is change. And a change is always for the better, but sometimes we may realise that only retrospectively.

  • At 8/01/2006 6:32 PM, Blogger Alina said…

    True, change is a constant part of your life and I do believe most things happen for a reason, therefore the change might be for the better.

  • At 8/03/2006 12:14 PM, Blogger Ali Ambrosio said…

    Yay, Alina!!!

    Congratulations on the new opportunity, I'm sure you will do wonderfully at your new job. I also am not surprised that your boss will miss you - you seem like such a dilligent and responsible person.

    And happy 1 year anniversary. I hope you choose something wonderful to celebrate.

  • At 8/03/2006 3:52 PM, Blogger tota said…

    All nice events always … Congrats on ur new job, happy anniversary with K & enjoy ur new car ( as I got that it's new ), ur late boss is really cute :)

  • At 8/04/2006 3:26 PM, Blogger MoonLightShadow said…

    Happy first anniversary & wish you best of luck with your new job.

  • At 8/07/2006 7:02 PM, Blogger Alina said…

    Pris Parfait, thanks so much for your wishes!

    Ali, thanks, you seem to trust me more than I do!

    Tota, thanks so much! And yes, my boss is great!

    Thanks, Moon, hope I'll do ok in both "fields" :)

  • At 8/12/2006 11:56 PM, Blogger Abrar said…

    Good luck with the new job Alina!! Its always a risk going to a new place, but remember every new opportunity brings with itself its own set of surprises!!

    Btw, just to tell you 14th August is the independence day of Pakistan!! hehehhee

  • At 8/17/2006 2:45 PM, Blogger Alina said…

    Gerald, thanks for your comments and for all your appreciation. Hope you keep visiting and commenting here!

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