This is not my first time writing about digital photo frames. But I have discovered a new utility these gadgets entail. You know, when you go see friends who live far away and who you rarely get to see, they need a serious update on how your life has been. And what do you do then? Besides the nights when you stay up late chit chatting about everything that has happened, you need to show a lot of photos. So what would your choices be? Carry your laptop with you? Too big...Carry a flash drive? That obliges them to have an available computer for you and prevents you from doing all the talking while sightseeing. Therefore a digital picture frame storing a few hundred photos might be helpful. It would make it all easy and take a lot less space when carried around. DigitalFramez has a beautiful collection of such gadgets, varying in sizes. And if you get bored of photos, you can also watch movies or play mp3 files. Music videos I'd choose, to make a pleasant atmosphere. The make a perfect, yet a bit expensive, gift for gadget lovers and geeks wannabe as myself. Brought by DigitalFramezLabels: Gadgets |
Thanks for the useful info. I'll set on it at once. There are many photos of my baby girl that I wanted to do something special with, but didn't really know what it was. That's really helpful.