I wish I didn’t feel so lost, neglected, forgotten, alone, misfortunate…but I do! A small thing to all others and most of all even to my self…But it’s quite enough to make me feel like that…Weak, abandoned…Not finding my axis mundi…Not being able to rely on it actually, not able to see it and be strong while relying on it…I so need to be around people. Need it enough to come to work 6 hours earlier, for extended coffee breaks until my shift starts and more work than I had planned to do… Vuelve, que sin ti la vida se me va oh, vuelve, que me falta el aire si tu no estas... |
don't worry... we all go though moments that we don't feel understood or appreciated...
you are not weak, you are honest, sensitive, appreciative and vulnerable... qualities so many people lack nowadays...
just hang on in there, let us know what's happening and share with us because you know that the people in the blogosphere won't let you down in the ways people in real life often do...
keep well...