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Monday, October 23, 2006
What is it with People and Laptops?

Did you wonder how people you look at, staring, as if they were some freak show actually feel? Let me tell you how: like crap! The reason, my laptop, again. This time it was my management teacher. “Wow, a laptop, that is new!” Tired of all this, I simply asked him if he was bothered by it. He said no, no problem. And told us that when he went to ASE with his laptop, as a student, they used to connect to IM. Impossible here, I noticed, there is no wireless connection to be used by students!

Did I mention all the others were staring at me during this conversation? Well, that was not the end of it!

Later on, he was walking through the classroom, dictating something. He stopped near my desk and told to the guy next to me, who indeed isn’t one of the brightest I met, “Your colleague is typing faster than you are writing!” Again all eyes on me! “Just great!” I told myself…I can hardly wait for some weeks to pass to have everyone used to the fact that I use my laptop to take notes…

Anyway, the teacher seems cool. But of course, too complicated calculus is not given to us in exercise solving methods…I hate the fact this university sometimes has such low expectations!

Now, let me tell you a little about this colleague of mine. I don’t really know his name, actually I don’t know anyone’s name, as I am there a little while and my attention is divided between the actual class, the battery of my laptop and the easiest route to drive back to work. Sometimes even the hour I get home is on my mind…

Anyway, he told me today he thinks I am smart because I type fast and I manage inserting tables in Word quickly. Blink, blink**. Another time he told me that if I had my laptop last year, at the so called “Informatics” class, the teacher would have asked me more questions. Apparently, using a laptop is way more complicated than using a PC. Blink again **. He told me where he works, twice! I actually admire them for working and going to school, and being so fond of his course notebook.

Oh, that reminds me! I took his notebook to copy what was taught during the management classes I had missed and he told me five times not to forget his notebook tomorrow. Apparently he needs it desperately, the notebook, the teacher’s book, as he needs to study a lot. “I am not smart like you, you know”. That we agree on, for different reasons, but at least we agree on something…Blink **

posted by Alina @ 10:11 PM  
  • At 10/23/2006 10:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I just wonder what can you learn from a teacher who thinks that a laptop is using a different operating system as the PC and who emphasises the presence of the laptop in classroom more than the class itself...

    In fact, why do you want to study there?

  • At 10/24/2006 6:51 AM, Blogger Alina said…

    Well George, it was my colleague, not the teacher who said that about laptops and PCs:P

    As for the teachers here, well, I am there just to get some guidelines for what to study myself, for the online classes with American universities and for the diploma. I am doing the masters program in ASE anyway...Not that they would be giving that much information, judging from what classes I've seen my friends xeroxing :)

    Little question, do you think that if suddenly one student only would start coming with a laptop, one only from the entire university I think, the teachers here are the only ones who would raise an eyebrow? I think not, unfortunately.

  • At 10/24/2006 4:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Asadar... Posezi singurul laptop din cartier... dactilografiezi mai iute decat scriu altii... faci tabele in Word cu mare dexteritate... Constat ca esti great! Mai great decat Mos Gerila! I-ai dat pe toti pe spate!!
    Bravo la ea, fata!

  • At 10/24/2006 4:55 PM, Blogger Alina said…

    No, I don't own the only laptop in the neighborhood, I only was, until today, the only one using it at the university. I do type/write faster than people who haven't exercised either of them a lot, and the general idea of the post was to emphasize how some people make too much out of something that shoudl be common, to also emphasize the ignorance of some students who will later be labeled as intelectuals, etc...

    If any of this is to hard to comprehand by you, at least be so kind as to write the comments in English as the whole blog is in English. But let me guess, you have trouble translating Mos Gerila :D

  • At 10/25/2006 11:42 AM, Blogger S A J Shirazi said…

    Envy;-) I still dont have. But the way I work, I fell restricted working on laptop whenever I use one.

  • At 10/25/2006 2:00 PM, Blogger Bilal said…

    i am almost permanently attached to my laptop- a necesarry evil of my profession:P

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