Because of you I grew up too fast. Learned about elaborate lies and betrayal, learn no one is important enough for you and that I had nothing! Because of you I still cry occasionally…Like tonight… I never learned the lesson you kept teaching. I never stopped expecting something from you. I got leftovers, like the dogs. Emotional leftovers; and learned to make the best out of it. Although I always expected the worst, I still got disappointed each time, heart-broken and empty inside. I wonder what more than your blood I should have to count when you make your plans. I wonder what I should do to stop being a parade: what you are proud of in front of the world, as it is because of you that I am here…It’s not. I put up a smile, say it’s ok, I understand. I do, actually, I understand you perfectly. That’s why I have such a hard time forgiving you. See, I do believe always choosing the easy way makes you a coward, an irresponsible teenager. And I wonder, when will you grow up? I am tired of taking care of you, when will it be your turn? |
Why don't you give me a sign when you are sad? I would call you now. Is it too late for you? Are you sleeping? I'll let you sleep just in case. Tomorrow will be a new day, keep up, like you always did, you're good at it and you know it.
I'll call you tomorrow. Sleep tight! Kisses.